Friday, November 16, 2007

Weeping Over The Reaping
(part 1)

At first glance Paul may appear a bit scatter-brained in chapters five and six of Galatians. He’s talks about freedom, slavery, circumcision, running, baking, persecution, fighting, and farming. He’s all over the place it seems, bouncing back and forth with various analogies and word pictures that otherwise would have no commonality, yet he ties them into his main theme of FREEDOM.

His climatic statement in chapter six, verse seven begs a question from us all. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” It’s as if his whole conversation is written to force us to contemplate if we are truly free.

Are You FREE or NOT?

If you are FREE…
- why do you still cheat on your homework
- why do you still mess around with sex
- why do you still hold a grudge
- why do you care who teaches Sunday School or what songs we sing in service
- why do you depend on the “church” to supply your only spiritual food when God has given you all that you need to sustain, grow and mature your life

If you are truly free you are no longer bound to sin and complacency. You have been delivered, redeemed, bought back, rescued, pardoned, and given another chance. Live free!

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