Thursday, November 01, 2007

While You Sat In Church

23,292 babies were born
10,332 people met Jesus face-to-face
205 people began supporting themselves by collecting garbage
1206 children became homeless or family-less
4073 children under the age of five died from preventable starvation-related causes
30 Christians died for their faith witness

Lord forgive us for sitting in our comfortable churches and becoming consumer christians. How many times do we need to go to church before we realize that 67% of the world's population still doesn't know Jesus. In fact, 29% of the world hasn't even been evangelized. Worse yet, although 2.2 billion people claim Christianity, only 10% of the world population are considered fully committed.

God has called us - the church - to go into all the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ, to make disciples, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit those in prison, to die even for the sake of the cross. It time for Christians to get uncomfortable sitting in church.

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