Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Many of us have read Genesis 22 where God askes Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac as a burnt offering to the Lord. My Bible heading for this chapter says "Abraham Tested". Obviously this was an incredible test of obedience for Abraham, but have you ever thought about this story from Isaac's perspective?

Making altar sacrifices was not an uncommon thing for Abraham and his family. Isaac certainly new what was going on as they prepared the altar. He was even carring the wood for the fire when he asked his dad, "The fire and wood are here but where is the lamb for the burnt offering(v7)?" He knew that sacrifice meant bloodshed.

What do you think was going through this young man's mind as his father bound him? Did he just offer himself willingly or did he put up a fight? Was he crying and begging for his life? Was he angry at his God? What was he thinking as he saw his father raise that knife ready to sacrifice his only son, the son that was to fulfill the prophecy of the Lord?

I think that this was just as much a test for Isaac as it was for Abraham. A test of obedience, humility, loyalty and faith. As a teenager, put yourself in Isaac's shoes. What would you have done?

Obedience to our parents demonstrates our obedience to God. God's fifth commandment says, "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you" (Ex. 20:12). Paul taught this truth in Ephesians 6:1-3 and again in Colossians 3:2o.

We're not sure if Isaac was kickin' and screamin' when his dad was putting him on that altar, but I know I would have been. In fact, I kicked and screamed alot as a teenager when it came to my parents. I didn't always want to go to church, or give my tithe. I didn't want to sacrifice the school dance or dating non-believers. I wanted to watch what everyone else was watching on TV. I wanted to listen to the music everyone else was listening to. I didn't want to get on that altar.

I don't think I was rebelious as a teenager. I simply hadn't fully submitted yet. I don't think Isaac was rebelious either. I think his father had to bind him and place him on that altar because he wasn't ready to fully sacrifice it all on his own. I don't think Isaac fully understood what was happening to him and FOR him. Abraham did it out of love for his son and his God. That's what parents do.

I don't think we fully understand what is happening to us and FOR us either. We may not always like it or agree with it, but the truth is, the rules and restrictions that our parents place on us are out of love and protection. We may feel "bound" (at the time) but it's that sacrifice that brings about the fulfillment of God destiny in our lives.

Abraham may not have killed Isaac that day, but he certainly showed him how to die to self. He taught Isaac that to truly live we must be willing to obey, sacrifice and even die. If we truly want to see God's promises fulfilled in and through our lives we need our parent's help. At times we will even need them to tie our hands and help us up onto that altar.

"Children obey your parents, that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth" (Eph. 6:3).

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