Friday, May 09, 2008

God's Top Ten: Honor Your Parents

Number of 5 on God's Top Ten list is “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” (Ex. 20:12)

WHAT?! Pastor Roger you don’t know my parents. I've been abused (mentally, physically, sexually). I've been manipulated and placed in the middle of my parents arguments. I've been neglected and left alone more times than I care to remember. My parents have substance abuse addictions. Am I supposed to just ignore the pain and pretend nothing has ever happened…pretend everything is ok?

No, of course not. HOWEVER I do believe that the principle found here in #5 of God’s Top Ten is the key to rising above the unique complications in our families.

The Bible tells us that all authority has been established by God. With that in mind, we have to understand that there are three sources of authority in life: the home, the church and the government. These are the basis for having an orderly society. We need to realize that regardless of our parent’s character and regardless of how they treat us, they are our parents, our authority, and we need to honor them.

“Honor your father and your mother” is the first of the horizontal commandments – our relationship with man – because that’s where relationships start. Your relationships with your parents have huge effects on all your other relationships.

So what do we do?

Let’s check out what Paul said to the church of Ephesus…
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Obey = to do what your told, willfully, pleasantly, immediately (unless it causes you to disobey God).

Why…because they are your authority. You live under their roof and you are dependant upon them for food, shelter, clothing, insurance. That gives them the right to call the shots in your life.

Honor = respect and love in the seen and unseen

So how do we get to that place where we obey and honor our parents regardless of how they treat us?

Simply stated, you learn to accept and appreciate.

Accept the fact that God chose your parents to bring you into this world. You owe them your life regardless of their Parenting skills. Accept the truth that you need to cut them some slack and forgive them. They're not perfect and they know that. Besides, if you don't forgive them, you won't be forgiven by God (Matthew 6:14-15). Look for the possitive and focus on what they do right.

Then show them some appreciation for their effort and their sacrifice. As a parent now myself, I understand how difficult, time demanding, and energy draining it is to parent. We need to appreciate their effort and attempts to raise us. When was the last time you thanked you parents for putting up with you?

PLUS, do you realize how expensive you are? In today’s economics it will take ¼ million dollars to raise a child! That’s a lot of hot wheels. Your parents repeatedly say NO to their own wants and desires so that they can say YES to your NEEDS – food, clothes, insurance, gas to take you places, your cell phone, computers, internet, video games… Are you taking those things for granted?

Listen I know that your parents aren’t perfect. They make mistakes just like everybody. Regardless of their mistakes or even their character, they are still our parents and God command says that we have to honor them.

This principle also comes with a promise…the only one of God’s Top Ten that does!

“That it might go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”

Surveys have shown that people who get along with their parents have far less stress in their lives. People with less stress are healthier. People who are healthier tend to live longer…

Students who obey their parents avoid the traps of sin and make better life decisions therefore having more success in school, in relationships, in their families, careers and everything.

That’s an awesome promise – success and long life if we’ll simply honor our parents…

1 comment:

c.w. goad said...

very interesting.