Monday, July 14, 2008


Sometimes it can be hard to do what God says. His way of living can sound old-fashioned when compared to the standards of the people around you. You may be thinking, What do you mean, no peaking at internet porn or fooling around on dates? Whilre most of us can accept basic rules of behavior as Christians, things can get complicated when God challenges us to do some stuff.

Check out 1 Kings 17:10-16. There was a terrible famine throughout the land and Elijah was on a journey with no food or water. He comes across a widow and asks her to go cook him a meal even though she only has enough for one last dinner. "My sons and I will eat it and then die of hunger." Elijah tells her not to worry and to go and cook for him anyway.

As with the widow in this story, doing what you're told sometimes takes everything you've got. You may be at your wits end when it comes to keeping God's standards. Maybe you're fed up with obeying the Scriptures and feel like you need a break from living a holy life.

The widow probably felt the same way. She may have thought to herself, Elijah sees that I have nothing, and yet he wants me to feed him before my son and I eat? The widow had to place her trust in God and follow the prophet's crazy request. And yet it paid off big time. Her reward continued for the rest of her life. And yours will, too. Obeying God pays rich dividends to the faithful.

Remember, God's ecconomy is totally different from the worlds ecconomy.

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