Do you remember that awesome cartoon from the WB called Pinky and the Brain...it was a spin off from the Animaniacs? They were two lab rats, Pinky was the idiot and Brain, well, he was considered the smart one. Everyday they had crazy adventures based on one single pursuit that is stated at the beginning of each episode.
Pinky: "Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?"
Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world."
We all have BIG dreams...or at least we should. Now I have no intention of taking over the world, but I definitely want to make a mark and leave a legacy. I think we all do deep inside. We want to be somebody and do something that others will notice and benefit from.
Unfortunately, not everybody reaches those BIG dreams. Many fall short, sometimes only inches from obtaining their goals leaving them disappointed and even angry. They blame others or circumstances and more than likely give up dreaming all together.
Why? Why do we get so close and then miss our mark? What keeps us from taking those last few critical steps to obtaining our goal? Are we destined to fail? Did others fail us?
Many times it is for no other reason than the brutal truth that we didn't take care of the little things that lead to the BIG dream. Besides the fact that Brain and Pinky were lab rats, they never succeeded at taking over the world because they didn't prepare. They didn't think things through and take care of the little things that would have built into the opportunity of the BIG things.
Do you want to be the next Miley Cyrus or Joe Jonas? Then you have to take care of the little things like personal hygiene (brushing your teeth, showering, fixing your hair), taking music (instrument or voice) lessons as well as practicing, learn how to get along with and work together with family and others...the list is huge! If you can't handle the little things, how do expect to accomplish the BIG things?
Check out Matthew 25:14-30, it a story about 3 guys who wanted to impress their boss and make a lot of money. That sounds like a pretty good idea right? As you read the story you'll see that two of them did great and their boss said "You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much." They got promoted and one even got a bonus! The other, however, pretty much sat on his hands and did nothing. The result, he got fired and was thrown into the street as a bum.
Little thing are important! Little things when done faithfully, lead to bigger things, which will lead you to your BIG dream. I challenge you to dream BIG - shoot for the moon! Just remember to pay real close attention to all the little details of that rocket ship or you might explode a few moments after take-off.
Check out "Do Hard Things" by Alex & Brett Harris.
I totally remember Pinky and the Brain! My son thinks I'm so cool for knowing about all these "obscure" old cartoons. Cool annalogy.
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