Thursday, August 16, 2007

God Will Bless

"You have heard, of course, of Job's staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That's because God cares, cares right down to the last detail" (James 5:11, TM).

There can be no victories without battles; there can be no peaks without valleys. If you want blessing, you must be prepared to carry the burden and fight the battle.

God balances privilages with responsibility, blessings with burdens, or else you and I would become spoiled, pampered children. Remember, faith without works is dead.

Of course we realize that some trials in life are caused by direct satanic opposition. Hey, we are at war! We must be patient in this war and realize that we will not only win, but that we will be blessed as we hold fast to our faith.

- Moses' impatience robbed him of his inheritance, not being able to enter the Promised Land.

- Ambraham's impatience led to the birth of Ishmael; the enemy of God.

- Peter's impatience in the garden at Christ's arrest almost made him a murder.

What has your impatience led you to become? Don't be impatient in your trials and testings. Don't bargain your way out. God wants to bless you as He did Job BUT you have to stay the course and get to the other side of the trial.

Check out these other verses:
Romans 8:28
James 1:2-5, 12
Job 42:12-17
1 Peter 5:7
Psalm 55:22

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