Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Come Together

Have you ever seen the movie Freedom Writers? What an inspirational movie! Despite some rough language here and there, it was so real and in-your-face.

At first glance you would think that the movie focuses on racism, but there is so much more. The movie teaches us to deal with our circumstances rather than blaming them on someone else. It teaches us to journal and to tell our story - it just might inspire others. It teaches us to never give up and to learn from our mistakes.For me, the biggest lesson in Freedom Writers was to understand the importance of coming together. It wasn't just about breaking racial barriers (tribes) but even economical, social, intellectual and personality barriers (cliques). Simply put, together we are stronger. Together we can be a family that can face AND overcome any obstacle. Together we are better!

Tomorrow night @ Revolution we are going to encourage you to "Come Together". Come Together is this year's See You At The Pole theme. Our goal is to realize the importance of learning what the Freedom Writers had to learn. We need to understand that just because we're different, whether by race or personality etc., doesn't mean that we can't be a family. God has called us - ALL of us - to fulfill His commission of reaching the world with the gospel of God's saving grace through His Son, Jesus.

I hope to see you @ Revolution!

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