Tuesday, October 16, 2007

CRAVE Destiny
When you were a kid, what did you dream of becoming one day? Maybe you wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a movie star or a fireman. Me, I wanted to be a professional basketball player. Despite my being vertically challenged, I worked hard as young teen to try and make the junior high basketball team. I didn't make the cut in seventh grade, but in eigth grade my determination paid off. Granted I only played in two games for a total of about 3 minutes all season, but I scored two points and had a steal. I was well on my way to acquiring my dream!

Ok, maybe not. After that year, I never played basketball for a school team again. Did I truly acquire my dream? Not even close. Did I give up basketball? Just the opposite. It still is my favorite sport and I play every chance I get. So what happened?

Simply put, basketball was not my destiny. As we all have probably experienced, our dreams change from time to time - especially as we mature and experience more and more of life. As a kid I would never even entertain the thought of writing a book, but now it's one of my dreams. We grow. We change. We dream new dreams. We crave the day we reach our destiny.

God's fingerprint is on each of our lives. He created us in His image and a He has a plan - a destiny - for each of our lives. Do you crave to discover your destiny? Do you dream and plan to reach it?

Some would say:
"It's too late for me."
"There are too many obstacles in the way."
"I don't have what it takes."
"I've made too many mistakes."
"I don't even know what my destiny is."

Your destiny doesn't change because of your past. Destiny isn't intimidated by time. Destiny isn't a respector of persons, it doesn't favor the gifted and talented individuals. Destiny doesn't back down to life's circumstances and obstacles. Destiny is what God has designed you for. Destiny is your life's purpose. Destiny should be your life's passion.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8)

Everyone has a DESTINY.

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