Thursday, November 08, 2007

The technological "extensions" that teenagers love have quickly moved from tool status to integrated addictions. For example, a quarter of all teenagers check for messages or text someone within 10 minutes of getting up in the morning. And close to half (44%) say texting is their primary communication mode.

Then of course there is MySpace and FaceBook - their cyberspace address. Although some say MySpace is fading out, it is still adding 250k profiles every day while Facebook is signing up 150k new members every day. They live, socialize and interact in these online domains more than they do in reality. Taking their laptops away would be comparable to removing a limb. Some would rather die.

Meanwhile, kids who play video games spend a third less time doing homework and reading than kids who don't. Video-gaming is close to earning formal designation as an addiction - a 30-year old Chinese man died from exhaustion after spending three straight days playing video games in a public internet cafe.

Call me old fashion @ 36 years old, but nothing beats face-to-face interaction in building healthy, long lasting relationships. I don't quite get how anything less can truly satisfy.

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