Friday, November 30, 2007

Quick Pick

My morning reading time was interupted by my wife informing me that our 4 year old son, Joshua, had a lego stuck up his nose. Apparently at some point this week as he was building legos with his brothers, he stuck a lego piece up his nose. Perhaps he was hidding it from his brother and he didn't want to share. Who really knows.

We were a bit unhinged by this, not even sure if he was telling the truth or not. He already has a bit of a cold so his nose was somewhat impaired. When we looked in his nose with a flashlight, all we could see was snot. We tried getting him to blow his nose and make it come out, but hey, not too many four-year-olds are good at that.

It was apparent that he was in some discomfort, but we still weren't convinced. There was no way that I was taking him to the doctor. So with flashlight in hand, my wife held him down as I stuck a pair of tweezzers up his nose and took a quick pick.

First came a nasty booger - I almost puked! Then, at last, I picked a clear-red lego from his nostril. Irronically the name of the lego piece is a "nose cone".

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