Saturday, August 02, 2008

Donkey's Head & Bird Crap

Maybe we're just overdramatic. Maybe we're just spoiled. No. We're arrogant and more than that, ungreatful people with an unfounded sense of entitlememt. Like we deserve anything!

When money gets tight or worse, when we don't get what we want, we stomp out feet and question God. People who have more needs and who have a lot less than us are all around us. Yet we can win an Oscar with our dramatized pitty party.

Check out 2 Kings 6:24-29. Yeah, yeah, just click on the link and read it.

The famine was so bad that they were eating donkey heads and bird crap! It was so severe that two mothers even agreed to boil their sons and eat them! Maybe we should count our blessing before we whine about something we don't have.

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