That’s Incredible
I remember the show “That’s Incredible” with my dad and brothers growing up. It was hosted by former NFL great, Fran Tarkenton. The show told amazing true stories of the miraculous nature and even demonstrated some of them on live television. A number of the stunts performed were quite dangerous, including juggling knives, staying inside a small box for hours, and one involving a man catching a bullet between his teeth (at least seven people have lost their lives attempting that stunt). We looked forward to that show every week.
Elisha and Elijah were both used by God in some pretty incredible ways. In 2 Kings chapter two we see Elijah taken up into heaven by a fiery horse and chariot, but not before Elisha received a double portion of his blessing and anointing. (You don’t see that everyday.)
Elisha continued as prophet and miracle worker parting the Jordan river and walking on dry ground, healing a body of diseased water, rebuking a ban of disrespectful teens (he cursed them and they were mauled by bears), calling down fire TWICE to kill soldiers that were after him, raising a boy from the dead, feeding 100 people with 20 dinner rolls… The list continues of miracles – physical, material, and spiritual showing the incredible power of God.
One incredible story that really peaks my curiosity is found in 2 Kings 4:1-7. It speaks of a woman whose husband had died leaving her this dept that she couldn’t pay. Her debtor came to collect, and since she had nothing, he threatened to take her two sons as slaves. Now what?
Elisha once again comes to the rescue. First he asks her, “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” All she had was a flask of olive oil – not much of anything. God like to take what we already have and show us how He can make it more than we can ever imagine.

Then he gives her instructions to “Borrow as many empty jars as you can…then go into your house…pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting the jars aside as they are filled.” The oil didn’t run out until there were no more jars left to fill. I wonder how many more jars could have been filled had they gathered more?
What’s in your house? Is what you have small, meaningless, insignificant - just a flask of olive oil? Whose economy are you measuring it by, the worlds, or God’s? Gather some containers. God is ready to pour out his blessing. Your faith is measured not by how many jars are filled but by how many jars are gathered to be filled. Now that's incredible!
I remember the show “That’s Incredible” with my dad and brothers growing up. It was hosted by former NFL great, Fran Tarkenton. The show told amazing true stories of the miraculous nature and even demonstrated some of them on live television. A number of the stunts performed were quite dangerous, including juggling knives, staying inside a small box for hours, and one involving a man catching a bullet between his teeth (at least seven people have lost their lives attempting that stunt). We looked forward to that show every week.
Elisha and Elijah were both used by God in some pretty incredible ways. In 2 Kings chapter two we see Elijah taken up into heaven by a fiery horse and chariot, but not before Elisha received a double portion of his blessing and anointing. (You don’t see that everyday.)
Elisha continued as prophet and miracle worker parting the Jordan river and walking on dry ground, healing a body of diseased water, rebuking a ban of disrespectful teens (he cursed them and they were mauled by bears), calling down fire TWICE to kill soldiers that were after him, raising a boy from the dead, feeding 100 people with 20 dinner rolls… The list continues of miracles – physical, material, and spiritual showing the incredible power of God.
One incredible story that really peaks my curiosity is found in 2 Kings 4:1-7. It speaks of a woman whose husband had died leaving her this dept that she couldn’t pay. Her debtor came to collect, and since she had nothing, he threatened to take her two sons as slaves. Now what?
Elisha once again comes to the rescue. First he asks her, “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” All she had was a flask of olive oil – not much of anything. God like to take what we already have and show us how He can make it more than we can ever imagine.

Then he gives her instructions to “Borrow as many empty jars as you can…then go into your house…pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting the jars aside as they are filled.” The oil didn’t run out until there were no more jars left to fill. I wonder how many more jars could have been filled had they gathered more?
What’s in your house? Is what you have small, meaningless, insignificant - just a flask of olive oil? Whose economy are you measuring it by, the worlds, or God’s? Gather some containers. God is ready to pour out his blessing. Your faith is measured not by how many jars are filled but by how many jars are gathered to be filled. Now that's incredible!
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