We all have dreams…making money, falling in love, getting married, successful career…
What about more specific dreams? What is your dream? Not a “I hope” or “wish list”, but what is your dream – that “out there” thing that you’re striving to obtain?
In my early teen years I wanted to be a helicopter pilot, basketball player, and then police man like my dad.
When I was about 15 my dream changed – I dreamed of becoming a youth pastor. That dream began shaping the rest of my decisions in life. That’s the ultimate difference between doers and dreamers.
Dreamers imagine themselves accomplishing things that are beyond themselves.
Doers sacrifice and invest their lives to see their dreams become a reality! You see dreaming without follow through is just fantasy.
Genesis 37-50 tells the story of Joseph. I know it's 13 chapters, but go ahead a read it!
Joseph’s family was a bit like mine…mixed…12 kids with four different wives. Then v3 tells us that Joseph was his father’s favorite. Remeber the story of his special coat - the coat of many colors. Yeah, he was dad's favorite, the son that would one day take over the family business.
Even though he was his dad's favorite, things didn't work out the way he had thought. Sold into slavery by his brothers, falsly accused and imprisoned, and forgotten by those he helped. The average man would have given up and let go of his dreams long ago. Not Joseph.
Ephesians 3:20-21
20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (NIV)
20-21God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (TM)
POWER – dunamis, mighty power, explosive,
Some power is dormant; available, but not being used, kind of like a battery.
POTENTIAL!!!! – stored energy! What potential is there within you? How about within your youth group group?
The DREAM is just the BEGINNING.
Joseph’s dream was a God dream, but it was just the beginning.
You need Faith
- A true dream is something you can’t accomplish without God’s help.
- Remember, it’s “His power @ work within us.”
You need Resolve
- Joseph’s brothers resented his dream, betrayed and deserted
- exposed to sexual temptation (Potiphar’s wife)
- Punished for doing what was right
- Endured long imprisonment
- Forgotten by those he helped
- The enemy will try and kill your dream
- “in all things God works for the good of those who love him…” Romans 8:28
- Don’t listen to the “you can’t”, focus on the “Why not?”
What’s Our DREAM?
Our church’s dream, it’s mission, is…
“to have a GLOBAL influence in leading people into a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ.”
HOW do we accomplish that?
We provide pathways for people to know, serve and be more like Christ by empowering, equipping and engaging them in strategic environments.
What’s MY Dream?
- 300 in youth by next May
- Launching “The Circuit” Discipleship
- 100 salvations before Jan. 2009
- Operation of the gifts of the Spirit in our services
- Monthly BIG event outreach
- Interactive & updated web
- Campus Missionaries on every campus
- Giving $100,000 to STL
- Our own youth facility
- School of Ministry (high school grads & young adults)
What’s Your DREAM?
- Pray for a God dream.
- Write it down.
- Go out on a limb…that’s where the fruit is. (risk)
- Believe in what God CAN and WILL do in and through your life.
- Don’t listen to the “You can’ts”, look for the “Why nots.”
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
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